2023 diocesan stewardship appeal
Dear Brothers and Sisters,
God gives us so many opportunities to know and see Him. Through our participation in the sacraments, our time spent in prayer, and even in the help we give to those in need around us, we can come to more closely know the Father who wants us to be in Heaven with Him.
Our theme for the 2023 Diocesan Appeal is, “Know Him. See Him.” This is inspired by John 14: 1-12, when Jesus says to Thomas, “If you know me, then you will also know my Father. From now on you do know him and have seen him.”
When we build our relationship with Jesus Christ through prayer we simultaneously build our relationship with the Father and the Holy Spirit – and in knowing the Trinity better, we can better let God love us. When we let that love and grace move into our souls, we are more well equipped to share God’s love with others.
Your donation to our 2023 Diocesan Appeal supports our diocesan ministries and our parishes in carrying out the mission of the Church and sharing God’s love with others. Would you please prayerfully consider a contribution of Would you please prayerfully consider a contribution to our appeal? Your gift allows our ministries to respond to those in need, build faith among young and old, prepare men well for the priesthood and for the Permanent Diaconate, and do so much more.
This year our appeal emphasizes the Eucharist – the greatest example of charity. Let our hearts be inspired by this gift of salvation God has given to us. Let us all know Him and see Him.
Thank you for your consideration.
Sincerely yours in Christ,
Most Reverend Bishop David J Malloy
Bishop of Rockford
Please consider a pledge to the 2023 Appeal. Here is more information about the 2023 Diocesan Appeal. You can also donate online. Any amount we raise over our target amount will come back to us. Any shortfall will need to be made up out of our operating budget. We are blessed to be a part of a great Diocese, so let us do our part to keep our Diocesan ministries growing and strong! The Appeal runs through May 2024.