We have many lay people assist at Mass by serving in a variety of roles, such as lectors, sacristans, ushers, extraordinary ministers of Holy Communion, greeters, hospitality and live streamng. We currently operate on a system that cycles our ministers out every four weeks. If you are interested in helping out at Mass, please contact the church office at 815-398-0853.
For the privacy of our ministers, we will not be posting a roster online. If you are in need of a roster for finding a sub, please send us an email telling us who you are and what Mass you are in need of finding a substitute for, and we will send you the roster by email. You are also free to stop by the office for a list, and one is always posted in the usher’s closet.
If you are interested in becoming an altar server, please get in touch with the church office at 815-398-0853.
Altar servers are students in grades 4-12 who have the desire to help assist our priests and deacons at Mass.